Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sleeping Beauty?

Is there a sleeping beauty under there? Is that McKenleigh?

She sleeps with 3 blankets and two crib toys. I tried to take one or two away, but she searched and searched for them.

When we lay her down, she sits in bed for a few min. looking for all her blankets. She sorts them and puts them where she wants them, then goes to sleep.

I tried to uncover her, but if i do, then 20-30 min later she has covered herself back up. Ha Ha silly girl.

She is just like her Uncle. He sleeps with covers and pillows over his head, so once we introduce a pillow I know just where it will go.
Sweet dreams sweet baby girl!


Tamara said...

She is just so CUTE!!!

Michael and Hannah said...

Too sweet! A girl needs her lovies!
