Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, January 19, 2009

13 months old!!

Can it be true?? Can my baby be 13 months old already??
She is growing up so fast and truly is a sweet little girl.
At her 12 month appointment she was-
18 lbs 9oz
30 1/8 inches

Here are 13 things you may not know about McKenleigh-

- She is running all over the place
- She loves to "talk" on the phone. (she grabs the phone, pushes a button, holds it up on her shoulder and and says -"oh-oh"
-loves music of any kind
- dances when music is playing

- She loves pasta, grilled cheese and peanut butter and jelly.
- Her 2 favorite songs are 'pat the bible' and 'wheels on the bus'
- She would read books ALL day if I would sit and read them with her.

- This week was one of our first times to play in the back yard, and she now want to play outside everyday.

- She squeals when she sees daddy come home.
- Likes to play with daddy's hat
- Thinks golf clubs and head covers are really neat.

-Likes to help mom with house work

-likes things her size.

Those are just a few fun things about out little doodle bug. Now a quick video for the grandparents of a short game of Peep-eye...aka peek-a-boo

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